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I am an Associate Professor of Political Science at Providence College. My central research interest focuses on the relationship between developed and developing countries and how international institutions shape these relationships. In this area, I study international organizations, development, and aid. My book, Regional Development Banks in Comparison: Banking Strategies versus Development Goals explores the contradiction between development banks’ institutional structure that includes making loans and their objective to alleviate poverty. In my second book project in this area I assess the extent to which regulatory aid regimes can influence governments’ foreign aid policies. I am also interested in Middle East politics. My current research in this field examines the paradox of conflict management in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (The Illusion of “Managing” Conflicts).

Before joining the political science department at Providence College I was a post-doctoral fellow at the Browne Center for International Politics at the University of Pennsylvania. I received my Ph.D. in political science from Columbia University. My doctoral research was also supported by the Center for Business Education at Columbia University and Sciences-Po in Paris, where I was a pre-doctoral fellow. I received my B.A. from the University of Haifa in Israel.